Tuesday 19 August 2014

Late Excuse Watch - Video Prototype Statement

Late Excuse Watch Video Prototype
Statement of Delivery

The Late Excuse Watch concept in full:

The Late Excuse Watch is a compact technology delivering not only the time of day but a means to avoid messy confrontations when you are late for a meeting, event, or rendezvous.
Using the touch screen interface or a computer program with the LEW (Late Excuse Watch) plugged in; the user can input his or her calendar or meeting schedule with a map location of where it will be held. The device will sync itself to the correct time and alert the wearer when they have a schedule coming up.

Using an inbuilt Global Positioning System, the watch extrapolates its position when it is being worn and calculates whether the wearer will be able to get to his or her meeting destination on time. In the case that the wearer will not be able to make it, it generates a non-cliché and location specific excuse to use when the wearer turns up late.

This is a prototype to help alleviate tension and stress when you are late and cannot explain clearheaded as to why to either your workplace manager or friends.
Whether going to a party or attending a financial directors meeting, this watch will help you get out of tight confrontations.

Statement of delivery brief for Video Prototype:

The Late Excuse Watch is a compact technology delivering a means to avoid messy confrontations when you are late for a meeting or event. Using a GPS, the watch calculates whether the wearer will be late and creates a non-cliché excuse if so.

The purpose of such a prototype is to explore new ways to alleviate stress and allow an easy user interface to allow operation of the watch without causing the emotion it was intended to remedy.

The form of the prototype is a classy yet efficient wrist watch design. It incorporates a simple touch screen LCD display with a GPS locator to extrapolate time and location as to whether you will be late.

For testing the video prototype, we will initially be asking viewers input into whether the base concept is a florid one and whether it is achievable in the current technological state of development. We will also be instructing users on our beta plans for a simplistic interactive user interface, enabling our wearers of the device ease-of-use in inputting meeting/event times and locations.

When construction of the prototype idea and design began, my initial thoughts was something that could intimidate the wearer into changing behaviour and allow them to realise that repeated failure to meet requirements would result in a form of “punishment”. This was completely opposite to my final resolution which was to give the user/wearer motivation to solve their own social dilemmas. This is why we created this stylish watch that gives the wearer excuses to use when they are late for their meeting or event!

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